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How to Tell If You Have Mice

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Your house or business might have mice, but you probably won’t know it until you spot droppings or hear scurrying along the walls. Mice are a major problem as they can cause significant damage to your home and leave you with an egregiously high repair bill. Mice are looking for three things every home has: shelter, food, and water. If you aren’t aware of the signs of mice, there is a chance the problem will worsen to the point that the mouse chews right through your home’s electrical wiring, damages furniture and contaminates insulation. Let’s take a quick look at the common signs of mice.

How to Tell if a Mouse is in Your House

Though mice typically try to reside in home attics and storage spaces, they will leave some signs that they are living in your home. If you notice diminutive black droppings shaped like beads, it is likely mouse waste. Such droppings are likely to be along the corners of room and walls as mice typically travel in these areas. In fact, you might even find a hole or two in the wall stemming from mice. Furthermore, you might hear gnawing, squeaking and movement from the ceilings and walls, especially at night.

If your home has any open water sources, try to cover them up to the best of your ability. Mice tend to congregate by water and leave signs of their presence in such areas. If your home has any leaking pipes, or plastic piping, look for gnawing marks or areas that have been chewed through.

Look in Your Kitchen and Pantry for Clues

Mice flock to food. In fact, some will even build a nest by a food source. Take a close look for signs of mice in the kitchen, pantry and other areas where food is stored. You might notice gnaw marks, footprints, droppings, holes, etc. Furthermore, there might be gnaw marks on food bags, boxes and other containers as mice will try to chew right through such items.


Mice are bound to walk through dust in your home at one point or another. If you notice mouse footprints in dust, you have a mouse in the house. Mouse footprints are fairly diminutive, typically measuring about less than half an inch in length.

A Nest

As noted above, mice make nests. Mice favor soft materials such as newspaper or insulation for their nest. You might find a mice nest in your attic or elsewhere.


Mice will prove especially odorous if there is a sizable infestation. You might smell urine or notice a musky scent indicating mice are present.

You see a Mouse in Plain Sight

Mice are agile and fast so there is a good chance they will scurry out of your view. However, you might catch a small glimpse of a mouse, or possibly even see a mouse in its entirety for a couple seconds. If you see a mouse or notice any of the signs above, do not assume the problem will take care of itself. Reach out to the pest control experts for professional assistance.

Pets That Act Strange

Pets really do have the potential to clue you into a mouse’s presence. If your pet is acting strange, especially in the evening, it is a sign there might be a mouse. After all, a dog’s sense of smell is vastly superior to that of people. Don’t shrug off an odd-acting pet, assuming it is just quirky behavior.

Mouse Marks

Mice have greasy hair that has the potential to leave stains along the walls or baseboards. Take a look along the lower portion of your home’s walls to see if any such marks are present.

Professional Pest Control is a Call Away

Do not spend one more day living with a mouse, rat or other rodent. If you suspect a rodent is in your house, reach out to us today for an inspection and removal.
