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What You Need to Know About Termite Swarm

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Have you ever seen a termite swarm? If you have, it’s not likely something that you’d forget. Termites swarm after their colony reaches its peak size and when weather conditions are optimal. Thousands of termites will push their way through any possible opening to escape and create a new home. This step is essential to their survival and usually happens in the early spring.

There are a few things that you need to know about termite swarms before termite swarm season begins.

What Causes Termite Swarms

If you see a swarm of termites, then it is likely that there is a well-established termite colony living somewhere in or near your residence. Termites typically swarm after their colony has been established for around 2-3 years. The optimal weather conditions for termite swarms are a day following one where it rained and there is light wind under six mph.

Termites swarm when their colony is at peak capacity, in order to find a new home to populate. Termites from one colony typically swarm once a year, but this process can take anywhere from one hour to several days. Each swarm will occur for about an hour and can occur several times over the following few days.

When termites swarm, they will squeeze through any available opening in the walls or foundation to find open air. The swarm will start with just a few termites and then can turn into a swarm of thousands of termites. They will be attracted to the light and are often drawn to windows and lights. If the termites are unable to find a new home, they will die shortly after.

Termite swarms are one of the only visible signs of termite infestations, so they are sometimes considered a blessing because homeowners can address the infestation before it gets more severe. Every termite swarm is unique, so contacting a professional after the first swarm is always a good practice.
What Happens After a Termite Swarm?
When a termite swarm dies down, that’s not the end of it. There can be multiple swarms over the course of a few days and even if there aren’t – the termite colony will still be present in the foundation or walls. There could be millions of termites living in the remaining colony. After the termite swarm ends, you will need to get the proper pest control treatment as soon as possible.

If you notice a termite swarm on your property and are not sure where the swarm came from, you should have a professional inspect your property to properly locate the infestation. It is impossible to identify the extent of the problem without a proper inspection.

At Preventive Pest Control, our services and solutions are guaranteed to provide full-scale termite extermination with complimentary tips from our pest control specialists for preventing termite infestations from recurring. Contact us today if you have seen signs of termite infestation or termite swarms near or around your home in the Houston area.
