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How to Safely Get Rid of Garden Pests

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Mass-manufactured synthetic pesticides are applied to the soil for various agricultural purposes, but it is home gardening that makes up a large portion, almost 75 percent, of the many million pounds that are sprayed every year. If you didn’t already know, synthetic pesticides are toxic and can contaminate water supplies, leaving them unfit to drink from. If that isn’t enough, pesticides can also damage the plants and soil in your garden because they contain chemicals such as parathion and malathion, which comprise commonly used organophosphates.

You can easily avoid harming the environment and damage that is done to your plants by pests, by opting for natural methods that keep insects at bay. To do so, you won’t just be using organic pesticides, but you’ll have to adapt crafty cultivation methods and gardening techniques.

Keep Your Compost Pit Separate

A compost pit is a staple for every garden because of the various benefits it provides. Even though keeping it close to your garden reduces the overall effort, it’s important to know that this can be potentially damaging to your garden. This is because of the biodegradable waste that goes into your compost, which can attract pests.

Be Quick To Clean Up

Keeping your garden area clean is crucial to enjoying one that’s free of pests. That means you’ll have to pick up any such things that can possibly attract pests; if you’re growing berries or other fruit, make sure that you pick up any that fall from bushes or trees so that it doesn’t rot and attract pests.

Use Row Covers

For larger, sometimes even flying pests, row covers are beneficial in keeping vegetables safe, especially the kinds that grow similar to cabbages. The row cover is breathable material that hangs above the produce like a shade and keeps insects like loopers and months away from the vegetables.

Use Insects To Get Rid of Insects

Why go through the effort of eradicating pests from your garden when nature can do it for you? Educate yourself about the ecosystem and learn what kind of insects you can release into your garden to keep pests away. Praying mantis and ladybugs are both helpful in weeding out harmful pests that you wouldn’t like in your garden. Aside from preying on pests, these insects can promote a healthy environment in your garden as well.


Growing a diverse range of plants, fruits, and vegetables not only makes for fun gardening, but it’s also a way to keep creepy crawlies out of your garden. This is because species of pests won’t be able to thrive and breed in the small area where you grow their desired plants.

Natural Pesticide Sprays

Even though there are various gardening tips and hacks to keep pests away, it’s still best to have a quick solution at hand, such as a natural pesticide. You can make these using soaps, neem leaf oil, garlic and even baking soda. Mixing these kinds of concoctions allows you to keep a spray at hand that can be used to keep bugs away without harming plants.

Call the Experts!

If you are consistently spotting pests in your garden, even after attempting some of these household remedies, don’t hesitate to call the professionals at Preventive Pest Control! We can send out a experienced technician to locate the source of your pest problem, treating your garden or yard quickly and effectively.
