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Three Bugs That Bite & Sting To Watch Out For This Summer In Houston

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Of all the love us Houstonians have for our city, if you asked us about the insects in the Summer you would get an earful!   There are many joys Houston residents can experience in the Summer but if you’re new to the city, you may want to take note on some of the most notorious bugs that will attack you if you happen to step into their habitat by accident.

Fire Ants – Fear the Sores!

Planning On Kicking Off Your Shoes To Enjoy The Beachy Sand? Think Again!
You cannot live in Houston without running into a situation where you find yourself come across a pile of dirt, only to find out swiftly that that dirt belongs to the most aggressive bugs on the planet. Fire ants back a surprisingly horrifying bite that immediately stings and itches for what seems like decades to come. When you accidentally step on a fire ant mound you could be in for some painful stings (yes, plural), as they all attack like an army that’s been silently waiting for someone to step into their trap. Once you’ve gotten away and pulled off the ants that are gnawing your skin away, the fire ant sting leaves an unsightly red bump that turns into a pustule. You will never forget their bite or what their home looks like, as the fire ant bite can itch for up to a week and can leave behind a nasty scar, depending on how well you keep the wounds clean and protected.

How Can You Combat Fire Ants During The Summer?
Unfortunately, there is no repellent to prevent a fire ant from biting you. The good news is you can protect yourself by steering clear from anything that looks like a pile of dirt and by having ant pest control services to treat your yard and home is the surest way to clear out any unwanted fire ant colonies.


Summer Fun Near Any Bayou, River, Lake (or any puddle of water – seriously)
One word. Mosquitoes. They’re ugly, they’re vicious, they’re sneaky, and they are persistent at finding any and every way to get one thing. What is that one thing? Your blood, of course! In the Summer time, female mosquitoes make it their number one mission to find an innocent mammal, be that bird, dog, or human, and suck the life right out of all the fun. Mosquitoes are known to transmit diseases and viruses that are moved from blood meal to blood meal, host to host. These terrible biting insects infect humans and mammals alike with diseases like yellow fever, Zika virus, West Nile virus, and malaria. I know, it’s gross.

How Can You Combat Mosquitoes During The Summer?
The best thing you can do for you and your family is to hire a pest control company that can help advise you over what to eliminate to prevent breeding areas as well as provide pest control treatments that will keep the mosquito population down to a minimum. A rule of thumb is to always carry mosquito repellant with you (a natural based repellent is best for your skin). Another helpful tip is to always wear clothing that covers as much of you skin as you can stand without having a heat stroke in the hot humid nights because these babies are vampires of the flying insect world.

Forget the heat, humidity, and hurricanes As the creepy crawlies come out of hibernation in the spring, they begin to infest what feels like every nook and cranny of our lives. Exterminators no doubt love the summer in Houston for the very same reason most of us can’t stand it.


Planning On Enjoying The Outdoors In Some Peace & Quiet? Beware The Nest!
Imagine enjoying your nice, blissful, backyard oasis that is suddenly invaded by a nest Yellow Jackets, Hornets, and Paper Wasps. The good thing about wasps is they eat other insects (like those mosquitoes we hate).  In addition to the pain of a wasp’s sting, the stings of wasps can also cause an allergic reaction that if not treated immediately can lead to death.

How Can You Safely Get Rid Of Wasps, Hornets, & Bees?
The first way you can prevent getting stung by a nest of stinging wasps is to avoid them. One of the most common ways to identify a stinging wasp is in how their wings lay when they are at rest, which is spread out and lay flat so that their bodies appear wider than they actually are. Because wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets are more dangerous and difficult to control than paper wasps, it is best to hire pest control professionals that can take care of the problem for you. However, if you insist on taking care of the nests yourself, it is safest to perform pest control treatments for hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets at night since this is the time when they are less aggressive.
